Yoni/Womb Steaming (Bajos in Spanish) is an ancient healing technique used in curanderismo and other cultures to cleanse, protect, heal and strengthen the womb. The benefits of yoni steaming include: clearing toxic energy, preventing infections, strengthening creativity through the root chakra, increasing intuition and shadow work, increasing blood flow and libido, toning and warming the reproductive organs, and much more.
Cleansing Womb Steam
Rose Petals for toning mucous membranes and healing the heart /root chakra.
Lavender for antimicrobial cleansing and muscle relaxing.
Yarrow for physical and psychic boundaries and blood flow regulation.
Aloe Vera for toning and healing the womb.
Damiana for activating and increasing libido or self-love.
Mugwort for clearing toxic chords and increasing intuition.
Helichrysum for deep anti-inflammatory benefits and skin elasticity.
Rosemary for circulation and trauma healing/grounding
Comes with written instructions on how to do your own womb cleansing ritual at home.